“I work in high energy theoretical particle physics. Specifically, I investigate physics beyond the Standard Model with a focus on dark matter implications. My research often requires scans of models that have very large numbers of parameters. This work could not be completed without the computing resources provided at CHPC. Almost as valuable as the use of the CHPC machines was the extremely helpful assistance I received from Wim R. Cardoen. Many of the codes I often use are serial, open source code that has been developed by many physics experts. To try and convert these codes to parallel would be a monumental task. Wim worked very hard to help me to find a solution that allowed this serial code to still utilize the numerous processors available on the CHPC machines. Without this, my projects would take months to finish, rather than a few days.” – Chris Kelso, University of Utah PostDoc, on Utah ACI-REF Wim Cardoen