Tag: clemson

  • When a lot of little things add up to a lot of time; HTCondor to the rescue

    When a lot of little things add up to a lot of time; HTCondor to the rescue

    A student sits at his desk, fretting. The clock is ticking, the deadline is looming, and the giant mound of data he desperately needs processed remains, stubbornly and unabashedly, unaltered. He’s tried many things, but it’s only him and his workstation against the monstrosity of information he’s attempting to subdue. His PC, by itself, is…

  • Facilitating data transfer

    Genomics research is one of the largest drivers in generating Big Data for science, with the potential to equal, if not surpass, the data output of the particle physics community. Like physicists, university-based life-science researchers must collaborate with counterparts and access data repositories across the nation and globe. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)…

  • Patterns of a Political Cartoonist

    This visualization, generated on Clemson University’s Palmetto Cluster, is based on data collected for a study of 8,422 political cartoons by Herbert Lawrence Block (known as Herblock), published in the Washington Post between 1946 and 1976. The investigators are developing innovative ways of visualizing the different levels of context and meaning embedded within and across…